Holy Wine

Album: Prodigal Son

It’s the right time to drink wine,
That Holy Wine this time around, this time around. 
Zion train is taking riders again.
Attention friends it’s coming round the bend.
Heaven bound train, you got to get in this time around.
Mister conductor train whistle scream,
for all souls lost in material dreams.
The long soul struggle is over,
the table is set for the soul harvest supper. 
It’s the right time to drink wine,
That Holy Wine this time around, this time around. 
Rich Prince of Peace laid out this great feast,
Door wide open to the greater and the least. 
So come now all his servant calls please,
This time around. 
VIP’s were called before, they said no!
So come now the poor. 
Excuses not now ’cause that could never hack it.
Dress up in your faith, wear it like a dinner jacket.
Cause it’s the right time to drink wine,
That Holy Wine this time around, this time around. 
Standing at the cross roads ‘coonville’ fighting cock.
All aboard! Kingdom solid as a rock! 
Take these empty seats before the door is locked,
This time around.
Outside the train is frozen.
Many are called and few are chosen.
Eat this bread of heaven and step up from the ground,
Sip this holy cup and wash it on down.
Yes, It’s the right time to drink wine, 
This Holy Wine this time around.